Degollación de san Juan Bautista [The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist]
Giovanni Baglione
Salomé, on the right of the picture, is wearing a garment with billowing pink sleeves with gold braiding and loose green hanging sleeves in the oriental style. In the centre of the composition is St John the Baptist, while to his left, the executioner wears an unbuttoned blue doublet, golden breeches and red and yellow hose in the military style.
Virgen del lirio [Madonna of the Lily]
Cornelis van Cleve
The Madonna of the Lily is depicted wearing a dark turquoise tunic with an ample round neckline, gathered in at the bust and waist, embellished with a girdle and skirt spreading from the hip. Close-fitting red sleeves can be seen beneath the loose outer ones. She wears a "capigliara" headdress in a striped oriental fabric.
San Carlos Borromeo suministrando el viático a los moribundos en la peste de Milán [St. Charles Borromeo Administering the Viaticum to the Dying during the Plague in Milan]
Mariano Salvador Maella
St Charles Borromeo is depicted beneath a gilded canopy with the hangings finished with tassels. He wears a red cassock and cape, and a white rochet and humeral veil. The acolytes, one carrying a bell and candle and the other an incense burner and mitre, are also wearing white rochets over a black cassock. The figure holding the canopy pole is dressed in a blue jerkin and ruff.
Carlos III con armadura [Charles III in Armour]
Mariano Salvador Maella
As the commander-in-chief of the army, King Charles III is depicted in armour with a general’s sash of red satin edged with gold lace. A table on the right is draped in a velvet mantle in regal red, embroidered with gold lions, castles and fleurs-de-lis. Behind the king is a palm damask drape from Genoa, associated with power.
El príncipe de Asturias, futuro Carlos IV [The Prince of Asturias, the Future Charles IV]
Mariano Salvador Maella
The future Charles IV is dressed in a frock coat, waistcoat and breeches made from red velvet, the colour of the court, with gold embroidered leaves and floral sprays. The backdrop is a green velvet hanging with a gold leaf pattern, finished with gold braid and fringe. On the console table is the Mantle of the Royal and Distinguished Order of Charles III.
María Luisa de Parma, princesa de Asturias [Maria Louisa of Parma, Princess of Asturias]
Mariano Salvador Maella
The then Princess of Asturias wears an ‘English-style’ dress, sent from Paris, made from a fabric with motifs in the ‘Charles IV style’ pattern. It has a tight ‘corseted’ bodice covered with a "fichu", a kind of folded triangular kerchief hanging down the back, and an overskirt open at the front to reveal the underskirt. Both skirts are decorated with serpentine ribbons of white lace and blue fabric.
José Moñino y Redondo, I conde de Floridablanca [José Moñino y Redondo, I Count of Floridablanca]
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
The Count of Floridablanca is shown wearing a red frock coat and breeches, the colour of nobility, and a bright white waistcoat. All three garments have gold embroidered edging. Goya has painted himself on the left wearing a mahogany frock coat and black breeches. The architect is shown on the right. His breeches are hidden by a green cloth on the table, but we can see his dark brown frock coat decorated with dull metal buttons.
José de Toro-Zambrano y Ureta
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
José de Toro-Zambrano y Ureta is depicted wearing an open frock coat, a waistcoat with the upper part unbuttoned to reveal a muslin neckerchief and breeches. The three items are made out of crimson velvet with stripes and gilt buttons to add further decorative touches.
Francisco Javier de Larumbe y Rodríguez
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
Francisco Javier de Larumbe y Rodríguez is shown in the uniform of the war commissioner. The breeches and frock coat are dark blue, though the cuffs are red, as is the waistcoat. The frock coat and waistcoat are embroidered with silver motifs and buttons.
Miguel Fernández Durán y López de Tejeda, II marqués de Tolosa [Miguel Fernández Durán y López de Tejeda, II Marquis of Tolosa]
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
The Marquis of Tolosa is depicted wearing the uniform of the High Steward of the Royal Household, a dark blue frock coat with gold embroidery on all the seams and extravagant red cuffs with the same decoration. The red waistcoat is also embroidered, with the upper part left open to reveal a muslin neckerchief.
Juan de Piña y Ruiz de Cárdenas
Francisco Folch de Cardona
The former head of the Banco de San Carlos wears the uniform of Commissioner of the Royal Armies, consisting of dark blue breeches and frock coat. The coat is adorned with elaborate silver embroidery, as are the red waistcoat and cuffs of the jacket, beneath which the shirt frills can be glimpsed.
Miguel de Torres y Ruiz de Rivera, III marqués de Matallana [Miguel de Torres y Ruiz de Rivera, 3rd Marquis of Matallana]
Pietro Melchiorre Ferrari
The Marquis of Matallan, seated on an inclined chair in dark wood with a top rail and red upholstery, is wearing a blue military-style frock coat with gold embroidery on the collar and edgings. The breeches are in the same colour and the waistcoat is white, as is the muslin neckerchief.
Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche, I conde de Gausa y I marqués de Villar de Ladrón [Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche, I Count of Gausa and I Marquis of Villar de Ladrón]
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
Charles III’s finance minister is depicted wearing a dress suit with a long frock coat and waistcoat in dusty rose lamé fabric and darker breeches. The silver embroidery is set off by the decorative richness of the buttons and buckles. He is standing in front of a green velvet hanging and an armchair in the same material.
El rey Carlos III [The King Charles III]
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
King Charles III is depicted in an ostentatious outfit consisting of a long frock coat with large cuffs on the sleeves for greater effect, a waistcoat with a white muslin neckerchief and breeches. All of these garments are in green velvet, with a broad band of gold embroidery. The wall hanging behind the king is in a much lighter tone of green, with a border of facing griffins.
Francisco de Cabarrús y Lalanne
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
Francisco de Cabarrús y Lalanne wears a green lamé suit interwoven with gold threads and trimmed with fur. Cabarrús y Lalanne was made Viscount of Rambouillet and Count of Cabarrús by King Charles IV in 1789 and 1790 respectively. However, at the time this portrait was painted, he had yet to receive these honorifics and Goya therefore depicted him in green, the colour of the bourgeoisie.
Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso y Guzmán Fernández de Córdoba y la Cerda, XIII conde de Altamira [Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso y Guzmán Fernández de Córdoba y la Cerda, XIII Count of Altamira]
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
The Count of Altamira is shown seated in a chair with an oval back, upholstered in ochre damask, the same colour as the cloth covering the table. As the High Steward to the King, he he is shown in a court uniform consisting of a navy blue frock coat and red waistcoat and breeches, edged in gold embroidery.
Retrato de Francisco Cabarrús, vizconde de Rambouillet y I conde de Cabarrús [Portrait of Francisco Cabarrús, Viscount of Rambouillet and 1st Count of Cabarrús]
Agustín Esteve y Marqués
Francisco Cabarrús is wearing the uniform of State Councillor, with navy blue frock coat and breeches and a red waistcoat. The two upper garments are edged with gold embroidery, with a first band of fleurs-de-lys, castles and lions rampant, and a second of loops encircling the hundred eyes of Argus, the mythical watchman.
Fernando VII [Ferdinand VII]
Vicente López Portaña
Ferdinand is wearing the uniform of captain-general, consisting of white breeches, red sash, a red necktie on a white shirt, and dark blue military frock coat with red cuffs and trims embroidered with gold braids. The cloth covering the table and armchair are in pink damask and the stool is upholstered in purple velvet.
Ramón de Santillán González
José Gutiérrez de la Vega y Bocanegra
Ramón de Santillán is shown in the chamberlain’s uniform, consisting of a navy blue frock coat edged with gold, with braided loops and the hundred eyes of Argus on collar and cuffs. The waistcoat is white and the trousers, also white, have gold braids on the sides.
Isabel II, niña
Antonio María Esquivel y Suárez de Urbina
The young Isabella II is shown in the centre of the composition, beath a red velvet canopy. She is wearing a ‘sylph dress’ in white lamé fabric, with a low neckline edged with silver blonde lace, which is also used to decorate the ‘billowing sleeves’. The skirt is filled out with petticoats beneath which a ‘Turkish-style pantaloon’ can be seen.
Isabel II [Isabella II]
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Queen Isabella II is wearing a silver net veil and a blue satin dress with a low neckline, with a zigzag silver lace bertha decorated with pearls. The bodice has an inner corset and tapers to a point. The skirts are decorated with the same lace and feathers in the colour of the dress.
José María Quiñones de León y Vigil, III marqués de Montevirgen y III marqués de san Carlos
Vicente López Portaña
José María Quiñones de León is portrayed seated on a green velvet armchair with his arm resting on a table covered by a blue cloth with gold braid and fringe. He is wearing the uniform of a state councillor, consisting of white trousers with gold braiding, a matching waistcoat and navy blue military frock coat, embroidered with golden loops and the hundred eyes of Argus.
Juan José García-Carrasco Gómez-Benítez, I conde de Santa Olalla
Antonio María Esquivel y Suárez de Urbina
The Count of Santa Olla is depicted in a black tailcoat, waistcoat and trousers with a matching cravat and white shirt. The backdrop is a green damask hanging decorated with plant motifs and a seat in salmon pink upholstery.
Pedro Sainz de Andino
Antonio María Esquivel y Suárez de Urbina
Pedro Sainz de Andino is shown wearing a lawyer’s black gown with cuffs of fine white lace and a ruff, an accessory worn by robed magistrates, lawyers, bailiffs and holders of other similar positions. He is standing in front of a green hanging edged with gold braid.
Pedro Téllez-Girón, XI duque de Osuna [Pedro Téllez-Girón, 11th Duke of Osuna]
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
The Duke of Osuna wears an elegant outfit, comprising a black tailcoat and trousers, a waistcoat with diagonal earth-toned stripes and a black tie. Draped over his shoulders is a fur-trimmed overcoat, typical of the nineteenth century. The accessories are a pair of fine ivory-coloured kid gloves and a top hat.