Paisaje montañoso [Mountainous Landscape]

Paisaje montañoso [Mountainous Landscape]

  • c. 1850
  • Oil on paper affixed to canvas
  • 36 x 55 cm
  • Cat. P_202
  • Acquired in 1976
Julián Gállego Serrano, María José Alonso

The Banco de España Collection has two paintings by the artist. There is a label in English with the title Loch Lomond affixed to the back which states that the painting is signed on the other side of the paper. The title is a mistake: it is actually that of the second landscape.

They are two pleasant scenes, warmly painted, in the Romantic style but coming close to Realism.

The Banco de España Collection has two paintings by the artist. There is a label in English with the title Loch Lomond affixed to the back which states that the painting is signed on the other side of the paper. The title is a mistake: it is actually that of the second landscape.

They are two pleasant scenes, warmly painted, in the Romantic style but coming close to Realism.

BDE Banco de España
George Elgar Hicks
Lymington 1824 - Lymington 1914

George Elgar Hicks studied at Henry Sass’s Art Academy in London until he joined the city’s Royal Academy of Art in 1844 to complete his training as an artist. Influenced by the style of William Powell Frith, he initially specialised in genre painting then turned to historical painting at the end of the 1860s. His most iconic works include Dividend Day: Bank of England (1859), The General Post Office: One Minute to Six (1860) and Changing Homes (1862).

BDE Banco de España

Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez & Julián Gállego Banco de España. Colección de pintura, Madrid, Banco de España, 1985. Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez, Julián Gállego & María José Alonso Colección de pintura del Banco de España, Madrid, Banco de España, 1988. Vv.Aa. Colección Banco de España. Catálogo razonado, Madrid, Banco de España, 2019, vol. 1.
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