Bodegón [Still-life]

Bodegón [Still-life]

  • 1960
  • Gouache on paper
  • 50 x 64 cm
  • Cat. D_335
  • Acquired in 2012

Esta composición, en la que destaca la combinación de verdes, grises y amarillos, muestra un cromatismo habitual en la pintura de Francisco Bores. En un espacio esencialmente plano, coincidente con el de la propia superficie pictórica, se aprecian formas trazadas con pinceladas gruesas, sueltas y espontáneas que logran una síntesis sutil de línea, color y espacio. Por medio de ellas se sugieren figuras de objetos, como un jarrón con flores, un frutero y una pieza de fruta. Es un buen ejemplo de una sabia combinación de espontaneidad con armonía y equilibrio. Desde los años treinta, en sus numerosos bodegones, Bores había ido adoptando el legado del cubismo, pero distanciándose de su austeridad constructiva para orientarlo hacia lo intuitivo, lo gestual y espontáneo. A partir de los cuarenta ha encontrado ya un lenguaje completamente propio que se materializará en numerosas naturalezas muertas. En este gouache destacan las pinceladas fluidas y la equiparación de fondo y figura, alejado de cualquier tentación literaria. También es un buen ejemplo del carácter de su pintura, atenta a las cosas cotidianas y volcada hacia una figuración lírica que parte de presupuestos cercanos al interés por los valores plásticos propio de la abstracción. La necesidad de agregar espontaneidad e intuición al cubismo que Bores sintió en París a partir de las décadas de los veinte y los treinta quedará como un sustrato que alcanza hasta sus bodegones de los sesenta.

El lienzo se realizó en la época en que su íntimo amigo y protector Tériade editó una monografía sobre él, con un texto de Jean Grenier. De este mismo periodo data la Nature morte au pichet, que también forma parte de la Colección Banco de España. Ambas obras reflejan la pervivencia en su trabajo tardío de las líneas maestras de la Escuela de París y son excelentes testimonios de su renovación del género de la naturaleza muerta en el arte moderno del siglo XX.

Maite Méndez Baiges

One of the most striking qualities of Francisco Bores’ works is their sense of balance and intimacy. He knew the paintings of the first generation of the Paris School well and incorporated features of synthetic cubism, especially as exemplified by Juan Gris. Like Gris, Bores began his canvases as abstracts and later added allusions to reality. With the exception of those painted around 1928, his works always include some reference to the visual world.

Still life with Jug (1961) dates from one of the most interesting periods of his career, when his search for space was characterised by a strong feeling of harmony in composition. The gouache Still Life (1960), recently added to the Banco de España Collection, is from the same period. It is further evidence that his later works still show traces of the tenets of the Paris School and his life-long debt to cubism. As such, this work is largely indistinguishable from his cubist paintings of the 1930s.

Maite Méndez Baiges
Francisco Bores
Madrid 1898 - Paris 1972

Francisco Bores grew up in a family of politicians and civil servants. He was born in the year of what is known in Spain as the ‘Disaster of ‘98’. At the time his father was the last Spanish governor of the Philippines, one of only three overseas territories still held by Spain (the others being Cuba and Puerto Rico). He studied at Cecilio Pla’s studio in Madrid for three years, where Pancho Cossío was one of his fellow students. His love for art led him to join the Ultraist movement, which did a great deal to bring the ideas of the European avant-gardes to Spain. He worked on the magazines Alfar, Índice and above all Revista de Occidente, for which he illustrated The Black Decameron by Leo Frobenius in 1925. In that same year he took part in an exhibition of the Association of Iberian Artists, with sixteen works which were highly praised by the critics. Encouraged by Pancho Cossío, he decided to move to Paris, where he met Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris. They both influenced his work, but Bores was more interested in Surrealism and Fauvism, and his style was a synthesis of various avant-gardes. In Paris he also met men of letters and critics Max Jacob, André Breton, Jean Cocteau, Louis Aragon, Christian Zervos and Tériade, who was to be his strongest supporter, and artists Pablo Gargallo, André Derain, Alberto Giacometti and Henri Matisse. He struck up a long, close friendship with Matisse. Having settled permanently in France, he put on his first solo exhibition at the Galerie Percier in Paris in 1927; two years later he took part in the Salon des Surindépendants, where he then exhibited regularly until 1937. After that time he left his home at the villa Saint-Jacques only to make occasional trips to Spain. In 1964 he designed the stained-glass windows for the Montbrison Seminary and produced the illustrations for Lament for the death of Ignacio Sánchez Mejías by Federico García Lorca. In 1966 he was made an Officier de l’Ordre des Arts by the then French Culture Minister André Malraux. After a long absence from Spain, in his later years he was able to exhibit there twice, in 1969 and 1971, both at the Theo Gallery in Madrid. In 1999 the Reina Sofía Museum held a retrospective of his work under the title ’Bores esencial. 1926-1971’ [“Essential Bores”].

Maite Méndez Baiges

Vv.Aa. Colección Banco de España. Catálogo razonado, Madrid, Banco de España, 2019, vol. 1. Vv.Aa. Flores y frutos. Colección Banco de España, Madrid, Banco de España, 2022.