DE GOYA À NOS JOURS. Regards sur la collection Banco de España
Catalogue of the exhibition De Goya à nos Jours. Regards sur la collection Banco de España [From Goya to the Present: Looking at the Banco de España Collection], held at the Musée Mohammed VI d'Art Moderne et Contemporain (Rabat, Morocco) from 31 October 2017 to 4 February 2018.
As well as the institutional texts, the catalogue includes essays by the two curators of the exhibition, Yolanda Romero, current curator of the Banco de España, and Isabel Tejeda. Romero analyses the origins and history of the collection, from its creation at the end of the 18th century to the present day, while Tejada focuses on the specific contents of the exhibition. The catalogue also contains detailed texts and pictures of all the works on show, as well as biographical sketches of the forty-eight artists. All texts are available in Spanish, French and English
N.B. Please note that the downloadable PDF version of the catalogue (see left-hand column) does not comply with WCAG 2.0 guidelines on accessibility. However, most of the content is available, in an accessible format that meets 'Double A' criteria, from the Collection section of the website.