Medusa [Jellyfish]
- 1997
- Digital copy (Triptych)
- 120 x 360 cm
- Cat. F_61
- Acquired in 2002
Jellyfish (1997) shows many of the identifying traits of Rio Branco's work. Its presentation as a triptych highlights his liking for horizontal formats (which can also be seen in works such as those in the exhibition 'Entre los ojos' ['Between the eyes']) and the markedly sequential, narrative nature of his work. In his own words, his work is based on 'the construction and complementarity of images, in which each one nevertheless maintains its own force'. A look at Jellyfish gives the impression of a transition in time, but each image taken separately acts on spectators like a centrifugal force, seducing them through the phantasmagorical, almost hypnotic call of the image of jellyfish swimming in the dark. His use of contrasting, saturated colours and the expressive way in which he captures movement highlight his ability to draw the spectator in. The apparent randomness of his images conceals a potential for poetry that can be traced back through most of his output as an artist. Rio Branco has always said that he wants his photos to move people, to make them feel, rather than merely to bear witness to reality. He sees art as 'something both visual and musical', so his juxtaposition of images results in unexpected ideas and unsettling associations more typical of stark poetic action.
Other works by Miguel Rio Branco