There are three works by Natividad Bermejo in the Banco de España Collection: Eclipse (1995), Untitled (1998), and Untitled (2000). They were all made during the same five-year period and reflect the formal and discursive consistency the artist has shown since she began her artistic career in the mid-1980s. This series is from the 1990s, when she was focusing largely on drawing. Here she uses oil, charcoal and particularly graphite in various scales of grey. In her work, the artist reduces the central motif to the simplest and most minimal of gestures. As critic José Martín Martínez puts it, 'Natividad Bermejo's radical approach is to cover the paper in graphite, leaving the central figure blank in an elegant economy of means that entirely foreswears the use of colour'.
In this way, she contrasts the flatness of the representation space with the significance of the central motif. Bermejo's drawings offer a thought-provoking range of nocturnal scenes — explosions, eclipses, electrical storms and constellations — capable of engendering disquieting atmospheres and perturbing the viewer. Operating from a discourse in which poetic aspects and concrete languages are immediately associated, Natividad Bermejo's work forms part of a tradition that strips out any form of ornamentation to concentrate on a rigorous analysis of forms, an austere plastic vocabulary that highlights those elements that she considers to be essential.
Other works by Natividad Bermejo