Dosel forestal [Forest canopy]
- 1990
- Iron and knobcone pine wood
- 205 x 65 x 3,5 cm
- Cat. E_85
- Acquired in 1990
- Observations: Forms part of the series 'The Mystic Cabin'.
Beatriz Espejo
Forest Canopy (1990) is a hinged wall sculpture that can be hung in different arrangements. It consists of an iron structure with planks of knobcone pine wood from the forests of Valsaín. The series, entitled The Mystical Cabin, evolved out of another series of articulated sculptures, The Fort, and is meant to represent solitary shelters deep in the woods. It forms part of a tradition of viewing the cabin as a space for introspection, thought and creation, with references to the protective qualities of nature.
«The Mystical Cabin», Galería Columela
(Madrid, 1990).
Francisco Calvo Serraller
La cabaña mística, Madrid, Galería Columela, 1990. Vv.Aa.
Colección Banco de España. Catálogo razonado, Madrid, Banco de España, 2019, vol. 2.
Other works by Miguel Ángel Blanco