Nobody Told Me You Were Here
- 1992
- Acrylic on wood (plywood)
- 58,7 x 243,7 x 106,5 cm
- Cat. E_95
- Acquired in 1992
Pello Irazu’s work has always been linked to the Formalist legacy left by Jorge Oteiza in the Basque sculpture scene. However, despite his constructivist roots, his output moved in directions in which that starting point was diluted and he questioned the conceptual and spatial nature of his work in relation to the viewer’s participation. An example of such experimentation with the link between the space occupied and the void is Nobody Told Me You Were Here (1992). The work is built using plywood, acrylic and vinyl paint, as a block with intermediate spaces eliminated and coloured. The sculpture is low and nuanced in its dimensions; it subverts the magnificence of earlier Basque sculpture and is seen as post-minimalist, a style which would remain a hallmark of Irazu throughout his artistic career.
Other works by Pello Irazu