Hiráldez was a student of Antonio María Esquivel and of Picot. He travelled to Rome on a stipend from the Duke of Osuna. He took part in national exhibitions and received honourable mentions in 1860 and 1862, a Second Place Medal in 1863 for The Oath in Santa Gadea and another for portraits. In 1867 he took part in the World’s Fair in Paris. He worked as an assistant teacher of craftsmen and held distinctions from the orders of María Victoria and Charles III of Spain.
Hiráldez was a student of Antonio María Esquivel and of Picot. He travelled to Rome on a stipend from the Duke of Osuna. He took part in national exhibitions and received honourable mentions in 1860 and 1862, a Second Place Medal in 1863 for The Oath in Santa Gadea and another for portraits. In 1867 he took part in the World’s Fair in Paris. He worked as an assistant teacher of craftsmen and held distinctions from the orders of María Victoria and Charles III of Spain.